Sarah Rose Bright

Your Erotic Toolkit

Your Erotic Toolkit

  'Your Erotic Toolkit' is my talk from the 2018 Sex Lectures where I share some very practical yet powerful ways to help you to experience more pleasure in your sex life. Enjoy! If you would like support to experience more pleasure in your sex life whether...

How sexuality is the gateway to living your potential

How sexuality is the gateway to living your potential

Sexual energy is life energy, it is a force so powerful that it can create human life. When we tap into source, magic happens. Enjoy watching ''how sexuality is the gateway to living your potential' to find out more and if you find this video inspiring please do like,...

Why use a jade egg?

Why use a jade egg?

Why use a jade egg? And why the practices are important... These are two questions that I am frequently asked.  There are many reasons you might choose to use a jade egg and it is good to be clear on your intentions as these will shape your practice.  Some of the...

The Power of the Pause

The Power of the Pause

When it comes to sex, people think of doing, taking action and movement.  Rarely do they consider pausing yet the pause is one of the most powerful choices we have and can help in so many ways.  People worry that if they pause they’ll lose their momentum, break their...

The benefits of online sex coaching

The benefits of online sex coaching

To discover the benefits of online sex coaching, watch this video or read about the benefits below.  If you have any specific questions about working online please do get in touch.  Please like and share your comments and reflections below and take a look around my...

The Power of the Breath

The Power of the Breath

The Power of the Breath  Its the most important thing that we do on average 20,000 times a day. Its the one thing we can’t live without yet most of us understand very little about it. When I was first told about the power of the breath and how it could change the...

The Temperatures of Pleasure

The Temperatures of Pleasure  When it comes to pleasure people often want it hot, hot, hot. And yes hot can be great, right? Though this is often coupled with a belief that hotter temperatures of pleasure are somehow better than the cooler end of the spectrum. They...

Labiaplasty is not the solution

Labiaplasty is not the solution

(Estimated Reading Time 4 minutes) Labiaplasty is not the solution…read on to find out what is… January 2016 Dear Embarrassing Bodies, In response on your Channel Four show on enlarged labia where a participant had labiaplasty, I am writing as I am really surprised...

Viva La Soft Cock Revolution!

Viva La Soft Cock Revolution!

Viva La Soft Cock Revolution! One of my favourite sex educators and revolutionaries Annie Sprinkle calls for a ‘soft cock revolution’. There is so much wisdom in that statement and here is why. It’s fascinating to reflect on the use of the word ‘hard’ in our culture -...

A Pill for Desire or a Voyage of Possibilities?

A Pill for Desire or a Voyage of Possibilities?

A Pill for Desire or a Voyage of Possibilities? June 2015  Flibanserin, dubbed the ‘pink viagra’ is a controversial new drug created by Sprout Pharmaceuticals. Its nickname is misleading as Flibanserin is purporting to help women with ‘low sexual desire’ (aka 'low/no...