
Why sex isn’t working for most people, by Graeme Waterfield

Why sex isn’t working for most people, by Graeme Waterfield

  Myself and my partner Sarah, endeavour to put half a day aside for sexual intimacy regularly. This is amazing because I look back into my early 40s, and I, like many men thought I’d lost most of my libido completely. I’d strayed away from my Taoists sexual...

Slow sex and menopause

Slow sex and menopause

  My body is changing. Over a year ago, I started experiencing pain during love making which I’d never experienced pain before. It wasn’t extreme but enough that I wanted to stop. I didn’t understand it at first because there was nothing happening that I could...

It is okay to not like the word ‘pussy’

It is okay to not like the word ‘pussy’

  It is okay to not like the word ‘pussy’. It doesn’t make you any less of a sexual being. You can be an empowered sexual, sensual woman and never use the word ‘pussy’. In recent years there has been a wave of women reclaiming the word ‘pussy’. I know women and...

The Power of the Breath

The Power of the Breath

The Power of the Breath  Its the most important thing that we do on average 20,000 times a day. Its the one thing we can’t live without yet most of us understand very little about it. When I was first told about the power of the breath and how it could change the...

Viva La Soft Cock Revolution!

Viva La Soft Cock Revolution!

Viva La Soft Cock Revolution! One of my favourite sex educators and revolutionaries Annie Sprinkle calls for a ‘soft cock revolution’. There is so much wisdom in that statement and here is why. It’s fascinating to reflect on the use of the word ‘hard’ in our culture -...

Comparison, the Thief of Joy

Compared to what? One of the biggest gifts I have given myself is to stop comparing myself to others. Every time we compare ourselves to others, we tell ourselves what we are not rather than accepting and celebrating who we are. This is ingrained in our culture and...

How your genitals are unique and perfect as they are

How your genitals are unique and perfect as they are

(Estimated Reading Time is 5 minutes) The genitals we see in pornography are usually one type with females with small, neat, symmetrical shaven vulvas and males with long, large and continually hard cocks!  Just like the highly unrealistic images we see of how bodies...