How to become sexual confident

Why sex isn’t working for most people, by Graeme Waterfield

Why sex isn’t working for most people, by Graeme Waterfield

  Myself and my partner Sarah, endeavour to put half a day aside for sexual intimacy regularly. This is amazing because I look back into my early 40s, and I, like many men thought I’d lost most of my libido completely. I’d strayed away from my Taoists sexual...

Slow sex and menopause

Slow sex and menopause

  My body is changing. Over a year ago, I started experiencing pain during love making which I’d never experienced pain before. It wasn’t extreme but enough that I wanted to stop. I didn’t understand it at first because there was nothing happening that I could...

A new conversation about sex – from hot sex to relaxed sex

A new conversation about sex – from hot sex to relaxed sex

  I am noticing the emergence of a new conversation about sex and one that I really welcome. One of the things I love about it is that it’s not about Tantra, or technique or toys. It’s what you might have heard of as slow sex (Slow Sex is also the title of Diana...

Getting to know what you really want

Getting to know what you really want

I love working with couples. In a recent session with one of my couples clients, we started exploring what it is that they really want. The woman said she didn’t know what she wanted. I guided the couple to play a really simple yet deeply profound game from the Wheel...

Why it’s important to prioritise your relationship

Why it’s important to prioritise your relationship

One of the biggest and most damaging myths about relationships is that they should happen naturally and effortlessly, and if they don’t, then something is potentially wrong with you, your partner or your relationship. So many couples have shared this fear with me over...

People are looking for a different way to make love

People are looking for a different way to make love

  They know it’s out there, they just don’t know how to make it happen which is why some couples have booked onto our course, INTIMACY. They know about hot sex and it’s just not working anymore. Hot sex Adrenalised sex Sex in sympathetic nervous system  ...



Over the last 20 years I have listened to many many people talk about their sex lives. It’s an honour and a privilege every single time as people share with me things they have often never talked about before and over the years I’ve heard people talk a lot about how...

Your sexual energy is for you

Your sexual energy is for you

This is a revelation for many people that I work with. The women I work with often grow up to believe that their sexual energy is for other people and usually that means it’s for men - whether lovers or partners. This run so deep in our world. Just look at marketing...

The Myth of Telepathic Sex

The Myth of Telepathic Sex

The Myth of Telepathic Sex: If you believe sex ‘should’ be telepathic, that you ‘should’ just know what your partner likes and they ‘should’ just know what you like without any communication, watch this video to find out the problems this myth causes and why amazing...