To change how you experience, pleasure, sex and intimacy takes practice, practice practice. When you approach sex with a goal in mind, usually a goal of heading towards some type of penetration and a climax, it’s like putting the same coordinates in the sat nav...
Your sexual energy is for you
This is a revelation for many people that I work with. The women I work with often grow up to believe that their sexual energy is for other people and usually that means it’s for men - whether lovers or partners. This run so deep in our world. Just look at marketing...
The Power of the Breath
The Power of the Breath Its the most important thing that we do on average 20,000 times a day. Its the one thing we can’t live without yet most of us understand very little about it. When I was first told about the power of the breath and how it could change the...
Ten Tips to Enhance Your Self Pleasure
Ten Tips to Enhance Your Self Pleasure Research shows people who ‘masturbate’ or ‘self pleasure’, are more likely to have fulfilling sex lives, better health, happier relationships and an overall increase in self-confidence. You become the expert of your own body and...