
The Temperatures of Pleasure

The Temperatures of Pleasure

The Temperatures of Pleasure  When it comes to pleasure people often want it hot, hot, hot. And yes hot can be great, right? Though this is often coupled with a belief that hotter temperatures of pleasure are somehow better than the cooler end of the spectrum. They...

Comparison, the Thief of Joy

Comparison, the Thief of Joy

Compared to what? One of the biggest gifts I have given myself is to stop comparing myself to others. Every time we compare ourselves to others, we tell ourselves what we are not rather than accepting and celebrating who we are. This is ingrained in our culture and...

Change the way you breathe, change your life

Change the way you breathe, change your life

Change the way you breathe, change your life  We’re taught so little about how our bodies and our pleasure work that its a little like being given the keys to the car without any driving lessons. Often its only when things start to go wrong that we begin to ask how...

What Gets in the Way of Your Pleasure?

What Gets in the Way of Your Pleasure?

What Gets in the Way of Your Pleasure? You may have a desire to do more in your life that feeds you, yet you never get started. Why? This is the question we’re reflecting on this month. You may be able to answer this instantly. You may not know why. By bringing...

The Power of Pleasure

The Power of Pleasure

The Power of Pleasure As sun and water feed the plants so they grow, so is pleasure a source of energy for us human beings. It is food for the soul.  Without it, as the plants without sun and water, our soul will shrivel up and on some level die. Pleasure feeds us on...

What’s Your Pleasure?

What’s Your Pleasure?

What’s Your Pleasure?  Pleasure connects us to ourselves. To choose pleasure, we have to ask what we really need, want and desire. This is what truly gives us pleasure, not what we think ‘should’ give us pleasure, or what we do out of habit, loyalty and many more...