sexual pleasure

Why sex isn’t working for most people, by Graeme Waterfield

Why sex isn’t working for most people, by Graeme Waterfield

  Myself and my partner Sarah, endeavour to put half a day aside for sexual intimacy regularly. This is amazing because I look back into my early 40s, and I, like many men thought I’d lost most of my libido completely. I’d strayed away from my Taoists sexual...

This is for me

This is for me

  “This is for me” is a phrase I learnt from Betty Martin’s wonderful work the wheel of consent and it’s a powerhouse of a phrase. Many of the women that I work with are so used to intimate pleasure being all about the other person. This is also true of some of...

The power of gentle sex

The power of gentle sex

Learning about sex in the hotch pot way that I did, I thought that I was meant to look sexy, act sexy, and that sex had to get faster faster and more intense as our bodies tensed before my partner and I exploded into orgasm, ideally at the same time. That became a...

The pleasure journey of one of my clients

The pleasure journey of one of my clients

Anthi, in her mid-40s, reached out to me as intimacy with her long term partner had pretty much stopped.  She found sex ‘scary and disgusting’. She grew up being told that sex was dirty, only men want it and women do it for the men.  Over the years, sex was often when...

From OK Sex to OMG!!

From OK Sex to OMG!!

From OK Sex to OMG Sex!! In this video, Sarah shares three tips on how to take your sex life from OK to OMG!! So watch now... Ignite Your Sexuality is a YouTube series where Sarah Rose Bright shares inspiring and practical tips on how to ignite and enhance sex,...

What Does “Successful Sex” Look Like?

What Does “Successful Sex” Look Like?

What does "successful sex" look like? In this video, Sarah Rose Bright shares the very common myth of what "successful sex" ‘should’ look like and the truth about "successful sex". Watch to discover both the myth and the truth. Changing this belief alone can transform...

Is My Vulva Ugly?

Is My Vulva Ugly?

(Estimated reading time 8 minutes) Women often share with me that they think their vagina is ugly, and when they say vagina, they really mean their vulva - the external area of the female genitals, vagina being the inside area. Watch the video below or read the...

The Power of the Breath

The Power of the Breath

The Power of the Breath  Its the most important thing that we do on average 20,000 times a day. Its the one thing we can’t live without yet most of us understand very little about it. When I was first told about the power of the breath and how it could change the...