intimacy coach, sex coach

The Sensual Body

A series of online workshops with Sarah Rose Bright

The Sensual Body is for women who want to connect with their sensuality and sexuality in a gentle, slow and grounded way.  

Would you love to….

  • Awaken a deeper connection to your body so that you feel more sensuality and aliveness?
  • Learn how to connect to and cultivate your sexual energy so that you feel more confidence in your body?
  • Explore a more mindful, tantric approach to sexuality? 

The Sensual Body is a series of workshops – you can join 1 or all of them.

The style of sex that most of us learn creates performance anxiety, stress, tension, and more.  For many women, their bodies shut down, desire disappears and they think they are the problem.  They are not. It is the style of sex that is the problem. 

The answer is to unlearn all that you know about sex. To start afresh and explore a different style and this takes time and practice.  It is one of the most rich and wonderful journeys to go on in this life.  It’s getting intimate with yourself and reclaiming your sexuality and sensuality for you.  From this space, connection with another can transform. 

The Sensual Body is for you whether you want to deepen your explorations or if you’re feeling stuck and disconnected from sex and intimacy or it’s not fulfilling and you know this is the missing piece that’s going to take you to the next level of you.  


I used to hate my body and myself, believing my genitals were deformed and I was scared of sex and intimacy.  I numbed out with a carousel of addictions, working in a soulless corporate job and the day I faced my fears, I sailed the ship of my life in a whole new direction. 

Setting out to find solutions, I explored many different facets of sexuality. What I discovered, is the most profound connection came through a deep intimate relationship with my own body and discovering my natural sexual self, buried under the conditioning of how I thought sex ‘should’ be.  Learning to love all of me has been at the heart of my journey.  

Sex and intimacy are now places of deep nourishment, pleasure and playtime.  After years of unfulfilling relationships, I’m with an incredible life partner and together, we run Making Love Retreats® and love making courses for couples. I also create spaces for women to come home to themselves and their bodies. 

Sarah sex coach intimacy coach

The Sensual Body Workshop Series

Living in your ‘sensual body’ allows for a richer life experience as you feel more present and alive.  This is dropping into and softening into your feminine being, opening you to deeper and delicious connection to yourself, others and life. 

The Sensual Body is a series of 3 workshops – you can join 1 or all.

Workshop 1: Awakening the Sensual Body, Saturday 26th October, 10am – 1pmIn this heady world, it is vital to create space for the temple of your body.  Space to soften, relax and unwind so that you can drop in and get to know your body from the inside, cultivating your sensuality and subtle energy and trust in your body.  This opens you to a new relationship with your sexual energy and your sexuality that is rooted in the body and presence.  In this workshop we will explore the keys to awakening your sensuality, movement and gentle guided slow touch practices.

Workshop 2: Breast Friends, Saturday 16th November, 10am – 1pmWomen can feel disconnected from their breasts for many reasons. They may not like the look of them or feel little sensation.  Breasts are magical – I call them ‘the temples of the heart’.  It starts by cultivating a new relationship with them – becoming ‘breast friends’.  Connecting to your breasts opens your heart, you feel more love for yourself and the breasts activate subtle sexual energy.  In this workshop we will explore breast massage for breast health, self love and to awaken your sexual energy. The practices are available if you have had any breast surgery.

Workshop 3: Vulva Love, Saturday 7th December, 10am – 1pmVulvas and vaginas are still such taboo topics and so many women have problems in this area, often only connecting there because they have symptoms, or for sexual or hygiene reasons.  Sexually, vulvas and vaginas are often touched with the agenda of stimulating them in the same places in the same way.  This workshop is an invitation for a new or deeper relationship with your vulva and vagina.  In this workshop we will explore the anatomy of the female genitals, pelvic bowl breathing, a meditation to connect you to your anatomy and gentle self massage for healing and connection. 

Each workshop will include:

  • Sexual Vitality Chi Gung to awaken the body
  • Teachings about the theme
  • Space for Q&A
  • A set of guided practices to explore the theme 
  • A recording of the teachings, Chi Gung and practices so that you can continue your explorations

These workshops are for you whether you are beginning this journey or you are wanting to deepen your explorations.  All the practices are done in the privacy of your home with cameras and microphones off.  The practices are slow, gentle and mindful. 


Sign up today via the links below!


£55 per workshop or £125 for all 3 workshops. 

The Sensual Body – 3 workshops £125

Awakening the Sensual Body £55

Breast Friends £55

Vulva Love £55

If these prices are not possible for you, message me as I have a number of bursary places available. 

Sarah sex coach intimacy coach sensual

Why Choose The Sensual Body?

The Sensual Body is a doorway to a different and deeper relationship with your body and sex, reclaiming your sexuality and sexual energy for you. 

With practices that are gentle, nourishing and healing, they create space for new possibilities. 

I have been exploring these practices personally and with clients for 20 years. I deeply believe in them and know how powerful they are. 


This time last year I felt lost and that I needed fixing. I thought there was something wrong with me. Now I feel at peace. My relationship is better than ever and we are very happy. I feel that I’ve really found myself and I realise it’s okay to be me. I’m not running away or trying to escape from who I am. It’s like a rebirth. I’ve got more spark and more adventure, more energy as well. If you want to find joy then just contact Sarah.

Mel, 55

I’ve learned so much about who I am and what I’m capable of. I feel more connected to myself and my voice. The feeling of powerlessness that I had, doesn’t feel like it’s part of my identity anymore and to have the guidance of an expert who is very grounded, accessible and caring, and doesn’t push a pressurising ‘sex goddess’ agenda is so valuable.  If you want to connect more deeply to yourself, your pleasure, to let go of shame, and know you are enough, this is a great course.  So happy I invested in this.

Sarah, 57

If you are in a place where you are unsure of who you are as a woman, especially around intimacy and sexual comfort with yourself and with others, then do not hesitate in connecting with Sarah. I almost nearly didn’t.  And when I did I almost convinced myself that this wasn’t for me. But do it. I am so incredibly proud of myself for stepping into an unknown and letting it unfold.  Currently I am feeling the benefits tenfold.  Reach out and take the step. You’ll be held in a wonderful container and will learn so much that you never knew you needed to know. It really is the best gift I have given myself in a long time. And now I know my worth and I expect the very highest and best from others too. Life changing xx 

Ruth, 48

I realised that so much of what I feel holds me back at times – the sense that as a woman, I don’t ask for enough space, time etc for myself, I don’t always put myself before other people’s needs – is something that so many women feel. Not just me. And seeing this in plain daylight, that its not ‘me’ letting myself down, its a story handed down the generations has somehow helped me shift that tendency. And also, that its not ‘selfish’ or grabby to put myself first, it’s actually perfectly natural!” 

Kim, 45


I am not sure about practicing with a group of women online?

All the practices are done within the privacy of your own home and with your camera and microphones off.  You can do the practices are your own pace. You might choose to do the practices on the call or listen and practice them on your own with the recording.  So many women have issues with sex and their bodies. It can be very healing and empowering to come together with a group of women to explore the stuff that is often dealt with in isolation. If you are not sure if it is for you, feel free to message me and I can help you make a decision either way.

Do you offer 1-1 coaching?

Yes. If you would like 1-1 coaching, I have a programme for women.  Email me for more info. I also have a private coaching programme for couples and in Autumn 2025 my partner and I will be offering a Making Love Retreat® for couples in the UK.


If you have any additional questions, please email me.

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